Night Vision Pistol

Night Vision Pistol
CT PistolWorx & CT NIGHT VISION will be hosting their first Night Vision Pistol Class on 4/26/25.
This 4 Hour Class will focus on getting students up to speed with their RDS equipped pistols then move onto running a RDS pistol under NODS in a static then dynamic manner to give the end user knowledge and skillset to apply in a defensive situation.
To sign up please head over to
Rentals are available through our website for this class!
Core concepts and principles will include:
Hasty RDS Zero and application; ie rapid acquisition of the dot
Safe movement under nods with a pistol
Passive aiming utilizing RDS systems
Shooting on the move under nods
Use of Force decision making
Barricade work and intro CQB
Required Equipment:
Semi Auto Pistol with a NV Compatible Red Dot Sight System (if unsure email or text for clarifiction)
400 Pistol rounds (no AP rounds)
Holsters for mags and pistol. Pistol holsters should be sturdy ideally from kydex and outside waist
Nods (either PVS14 style or dual tube)...Rentals are available!
Footwear and clothing suitable for athletic movement
Eye and ear protection
Body Armor Optional