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Tube Selection
NNVT: Manufactured by North Night Vision Technology in China. These Generation 2 tubes are an excellent entry level option for someone who's looking to spend as little as possible.
Photonis: Headquartered in France these Generation 2 tubes perform exceptionally well in low light conditions. They also don't suffer from a high light resolution loss like generation 3 intensifier tubes do.
Elbit: Generation 3. The perfect middle of the road option. Dollar for dollar, pound for pound, users will get the most bang for their buck by choosing these thin filmed tubes.
L3: Generation 3. When it comes to life or death, or if you simply want the best we recommend going L3.
Supergain: These tubes offer an increased gain compared to all the others. If you are looking for a noticeably brighter image so you can see in those super dark areas then these are the tubes for you.